Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Yea Tuesday.

What a day.

Helyn hit the back of her head on a brick wall at the school while we were waiting for the bus to leave. It was a huge goose egg and was bleeding a tad. It stopped as quickly as it started so I didn't think it needed stitches.
We watched it all morning and her temperament didn't get any worse so we went about our day as normal.

The kids were pretty good today. Liam is feeling overwhelmed with the amount of homework he has. They have to hand it in on Thursdays so that only leaves 3 days for it to be completed. We skipped last night because we had a little celebration for Helyn so it had to be done tonight and tomorrow. He finally buckled down and did it all tonight so he could just go over his spelling words the next couple days before his Dictation on Friday.

Aidan was accessed for his reading by his teacher and he is in the normal range for grade 1 !!! I was very excited!! I am glad he is in the average, I was worried he was a little behind. We have been working hard at it the last month before school got in, so looks like it paid off. His confidence with school is coming, but we still have a long way to go. Slowly and steady is all I want for him. He is a good boy.

Helyn had been alright. We are still having poop issues. She still only goes once a week if we are lucky. She eats enough fiber, drinks enough water and juice ( within the toddler guidelines for juice) and we keep her milk limited to the bottom amount of servings. Its a mystery. I think I might asked her to be referred to a specialist if this continues for another few months. The potty training is going great, she has been pooping in the potty.. but it doesn't happen enough for it not to be strenuous on her when she goes.

Here are some pics from today.





Noah and Emily said...

Noah has always been a bad pooper and got worse when we were potty training him. The doctor we saw just prescribed lactulose which is basically a sugary syrup which works, but how good could it be? We were also told by his pediatrician to use Benefibre and it works wonders, no more lactulose for over a year now. See if that is an option.

Unknown said...

Thanks Aimee.
I will see if Lorianne might look into it for me.
I put a diaper on her tonight so she would go. I think its more psychological for her. Its so hard and she remembers it hurting.

She had a big huge poo and she is so much better.

Tabatha said...

Your kids are so cute Chris.

Tabatha said...

I just had a half a bottle of chardonnay, so I do not recall if she is in big undies. But that is what worked for us. Sorry I'm such a airhead tonight. I hope Helyn's head is feeling better and Liam is not too stressed about home work.

Unknown said...

LOL tabatha.

She is potty trained.. we still put a diaper on her at bedtime. She went poo last night after I got her out of the bath, into her jammies and her diaper. Little bugger. And she went this morning before she came downstairs.